Further change to our programme

Duo Aerius cannot now be with us on the 9th November and have postponed their visit to a later concert series. They are replaced by Solomon Miles Donnelly (piano) and Thorvald Blough (Baritone). This website now, as of 4th September, shows the correct, updated programme. Autumn series concert programme.

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Change of programme – please read

We have had to change our Autumn programme which will now start on the 21st September. Apologies if you have put one of the early concerts in your diary and need to change the date. Please see the post below which links to the new programme which was issued on…

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Our next concert series

Our Autumn series now starts on 21st September 2024 when the Kagura Trio will perform for us.The revised programme now offers 10 concerts. Enjoy your summer and we look forward to seeing you again in September. Autumn series concert programme.

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Our Facebook page

After each concert the WACIDOM Facebook page is updated to reflect the concert in words and pictures. The page can be accessed from: Main Menu (above) – Links – WACIDOM Facebook and then click on the logo or blue text. Click here for a shortcut to the link.

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Radio Warrington

 The 1hr Radio Warrington ‘Classical Show’, hosted by Sharon Cannell who is the WACIDOM chairman, has been renamed ‘Sunday Classics’ and made 2hrs long. You can now hear Sharon’s musical choices on Sunday mornings from 8 – 10am. The Radio Warrington link is one of the links on our menu…

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Welcome to our new website

We prepared this website in time for the start of our February 2024 concert series and hope that you find it useful. Explore the Main Menu bar at the top of this page to see what it offers. This Home Page will have information about the next concert and any…

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